Speaking at TechDays and MCT Summit
I’m on a train heading to Stockholm and Microsoft TechDays, where I’ll be delivering “Azure SQL Server for the on-prem DBA”. This session outlines what’s available in Azure, what is automatic, what is not quite automatic and what is idiosyncratic, as well as explores some of the hard questions one should ask whenever the topic of databases in the cloud comes up. This is the second time I’ve been selected to speak at TechDays, and I find this to be a very nice conference. It’s a good venue, a lot of people and a great sponsor area. This year I’ll apparently hold court in one of the larger rooms - rather exciting!
While I’d have loved to stay for the whole conference, I was also accepted to speak at the MCT Summit in Cologne. Unfortunately the two conferences run in parallel. I was fortunate enough to be able to ask for an early session at TechDays and late sessions at the MCT Summit, so I’ll be running for the airport pretty much as soon as I’m done in Stockholm. On Thursday I’ll be delivering “SQL Server hates you(?) - what the DBA never told the developers”, and on Friday it’s time for the third run of “Talk tech to me - improve your technical presentation skills”. Both of them are kind of favorite sessions for me, and I’m up to around 10 deliveries of “SQL Server hates you(?)” so I’ve achieved a nice flow presenting that one.
Both of the events provide amazing opportunities for learning apart from my sessions. Check out the TechDays Agenda and the MCT Global Summit agenda!